After the VNA services are discharged, our home health aids can provide the personal care needs for individuals faced with ambulation and daily care challenges. Our registered nurses will formulate a care plan that meets the needs of the person we are caring for.
Serving SouthCoast MA, Cape Cod, & South Shore MA
We serve the SouthCoast MA, Cape Cod, and South Shore MA region, including the cities & towns in the following MA counties:
Barnstable County MA: Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Buzzards Bay, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, Hyannis, Mashpee, Orleans, Provincetown, Sandwich, Truro, Wellfleet, & Yarmouth.
Bristol County MA: Acushnet, Assonet, Attleboro, Berkley, Dighton, Fairhaven, Fall River, Freetown, New Bedford, North Dartmouth, Raynham, Rehoboth, Somerset, South Dartmouth, Taunton, & Westport.
Plymouth County MA: Brockton, Carver, Duxbury, East Bridgewater, Halifax, Hanover, Kingston, Lakeville, Marion, Marshfield, Mattapoisett, Middleboro, Onset, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rochester, Wareham, West Bridgewater, & Whitman.
Call Attentive Home Care to discuss home health aide services for your family member or loved one.